Experimental Set up to Measure Dispersion in Optical Fiber Devices

Authors: Luis Alberto Rodríguez Morales, Iván Armas Rivera, Georgina Beltrán Pérez

Research in Computing Science, Vol. 131, pp. 87-92, 2017.

Abstract: Some of the different factors that lower performance of the optical fiber and experimental components are attenuation and dispersion. Some are intrinsic to the material and cannot be deleted, but can be compensated, so it is therefore necessary to quantify the chromatic dispersion. This paper presents a method for measuring the coefficient of dispersion in a WDM and an optical isolator, caused by the temporal broadening of a pulse due to the different speeds that are in the optical frequencies of said pulse. The Mach-Zehnder interferometer has many applications, in this paper it´s one, in which a WDM and Optical insolator are analyzed, the data obtained by the method were channeled by a measured optical spectrum (OSA for its acronym) and then analyzed on the computer with a program previously done in Matlab. The results clearly show that the dispersion can be measured with high accuracy not only optical fibers but also in other optical devices.

PDF: Experimental Set up to Measure Dispersion in Optical Fiber Devices
PDF: Experimental Set up to Measure Dispersion in Optical Fiber Devices